Have you ever tracked your net-worth? Have you ever even calculated your net-worth on a Personal Financial Statement? For the last year and a half, I have been working daily to keep to the penny, to the best of my ability, all income and expenses.
The only number that matters at the end of the day is the “net-worth” number. My dad used to say growing up “It doesn’t matter if you earn $1million dollars if you spend $1 million and one.” I have found so much happiness in tracking my net-worth on a daily basis.

I was over $330,000 in debt three years ago when I had loans from banks, multiple credit cards, and loans from anyone who would give it to me. I was getting high from spending without any way of paying for it. It was a way of escaping. Once I got sober and clean and worked on myself for a year, I committed that second year to focus on our finances and get that part of my house in order.
This has been the best thing for my serenity and sanity. Clarity in the numbers in my goal. No, I mean ZERO vagueness in the numbers. Even down to $1.75 to get air in my tires…I write it down.