2-Way Prayer

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I made some great connections using the 2-way prayer method. 2-way prayer and the 4 absolutes were part of the Oxford group. 

The 4 Absolutes: Honesty, Purity, Unselfishness, Love 

2-Way Prayer 

1. Write or state “the problem” defect, obstacle, bedevilment, financial insecurity, underearning issue, time debting etc etc whatever – to your loving higher power 

2. LISTEN ( and write down ) what your loving higher power says in return…
Bill and Bob tried to emulate these two ideas into the steps but some of the essence and core concepts didn’t get as a laid out as Oxford group had them. Many of you are AA scholars and surely know the story – so I am not breaking any news here – but I believe this applies to all recovery in the context of our 11 step journey – and bringing God into our financial life, fears and vision as it relates to DA. 

Below is a summary of the method that was outlined by Father Bill W ( AA Legend ) who did a small workshop for the Augustine Monk Fellowship’s 11 @ 11 Sunday 11th step meeting yesterday. 

Although I have been doing forms of this conceptually – I used his method this morning and it was extremely powerful. Many revelations that pertain to my DA journey.

These are a few simple suggestions for people who are willing to make an experiment. You can discover for yourself the most important and practical thing any human being can ever learn-how to be in touch with God.
All that is needed is the willingness to try it honestly. Every person who has done this consistently and sincerely has found that it really works.
Before you begin, look over these fundamental points. They are true and are based on the experience of thousands of people.

1. God is alive. He always has been and He always will be.

2. God knows everything.

3. God can do anything.

4. God can be everywhere-all at the same time. (These are the important differences between God and us human beings.)

5. God is invisible-we can’t see Him or touch Him – but God is here. He is with you now. He is beside you. He surrounds you. He fills the room or the whole place where you are now. He is in you now. He is in your heart.

6. God cares very much for you. He is interested in you. He has a plan for your life. He has an answer for every need and problem you face.

7. God will tell you all that you need to know. He will not always tell you all that you want to know.

8. God will help you do anything that He asks you to do.

9. Anyone can be in touch with God, anywhere and at any time, if the conditions are obeyed. These are the conditions:- To be quiet and still- To listen- To be honest about every thought that comes- To test the thoughts to be sure that they come from God – To obey

So, with these basic elements as a background, here are specific suggestions on how to listen to God:

1. Take Time- Find some place and time where you can be alone, quiet and undisturbed. Most people have found that the early morning is the best time. Have with you some paper and pen or pencil.

2. Relax- Sit in a comfortable position. Consciously relax all your muscles. Be loose. There is no hurry. There needs to be no strain during these minutes. God cannot get through to us if we are tense and anxious about later responsibilities.

3. Tune In- Open your heart to God. Either silently or aloud, just say to God in a natural way that you would like to find His plan for your life-you want His answer to the problem or situation that you are facing just now. Be definite and specific in your request.

4. Listen- Just be still, quiet, relaxed and open. Let your mind go “loose.” Let God do the talking. Thoughts, ideas, and impressions will begin to come into your mind and heart. Be alert and aware and open to everyone.

5. Write!- Here is the important key to the whole process. Write down everything that comes into your mind. Everything. Writing is simply a means of recording so that you can remember later. Don’t sort out or edit your thoughts at this point.

Don’t say to yourself: This thought isn’t important; This is just an ordinary thought; This can’t be guidance; This isn’t nice; This can’t be from God; This is just me thinking, etc.

Write down everything that passes through your mind: Names of people; Things to do; Things to say; Things that are wrong and need to be made right.

Write down everything: Good thoughts – bad thoughts;

Comfortable thoughts – uncomfortable thoughts;

“Holy” thoughts – “unholy” thoughts;

Sensible thoughts – “crazy” thoughts.

Be honest! Write down everything! A thought comes quickly, and it escapes even more quickly unless it is captured and put down.

6. Test- When the flow of thoughts slows down, stop. Take a good look at what you have written. Not every thought we have comes from God. So we need to test our thoughts. Here is where the written record helps us to be able to look at them.

(inspired by Jenner)