325: Leaving Voicemails Cold Calling | Path to Warren Podcast Episode 325

Good morning. Path to Warren podcast. This is Matt Warren, Episode 325. Today is January 18th, 2022. Hope you’re having a beautiful Tuesday morning. I had a great workout at the gym this morning at 6:00 a.m. Body Pump. It was a good workout. I missed last week because I was in Atlanta for Business. Today on the horizon, we’re sending out a newsletter to our clients and I inputted about 250. I’m excited to see the number, but I added about 250 or so new attorneys and clients to our database. So they should be getting our newsletter. Today. We’ve got three blogs, three really good blogs, and they’re in the form of a constant contact email going out. So about 8000 people will get the email today. Pretty excited about that. It always turns into a few phone calls after emails or phone calls after about new cases whenever we send out this email. So it’s going to be a great day. Also, I’m trying to drum up appointments for Thursday. I’m taking our structural engineer down to Charleston for the day. I’m on the board of the Charleston Area Claims Association. I’m the Secretary again for the third year in a row. So I’m going down for a board meeting at lunch, but I’m taking George with me. And so we’re going to try to have some meetings, some business development meetings in the morning and after my lunch appointment. But it’s going to be just old fashioned phone calls. Today I’m looking forward to picking up the phone and calling people. In the past, I’ve sent emails, but because today we’re sending out this email to everybody in the form of our newsletter, I don’t want to double email them. So I’m going to just pick up the phone and start calling. If I hold my head up high and remember all those tips and tricks and techniques that I’ve learned over the years for cold calling people, it’ll be just fine. I can’t take it personally. That’s one of the biggest things about calling clients is don’t take it personally if they hang up on you. Don’t take it personally if they think you’re spamming them or calling them out of the blue or cold calling, of course, of course I’m cold calling. I’ve got something that they need. And I’m going to call down the list of construction defect attorneys, these attorneys that deal with construction defects and go one by one. And I’m one of these guys that does leave a message. I’d like to leave a message because even if they don’t call me back, they at least know that I tried. So sometimes what happens is if I call them and they don’t call me back and I just show up at their office, knock on the door, or walk in the door. A lot of times it’s like, well, I told you I was coming. I was coming. I do like to call and leave messages. Some people don’t like to leave messages they say it takes too much time you just need to pick up the phone and dial the next number. I don’t like to do that. You have to understand most people don’t pick up the phone for people that they don’t recognize the number for anyway so if most people don’t answer the phone or they’re in meetings and things it’s still a touch if I leave a message it’s not a touch I’m not touching them and putting a memory in their mind if I don’t leave a message so looking forward to calling people today I like to dress for success whenever I do cold calls I got a nice suit on today. It just helps get my mind between working out this morning for an hour in my body pump class eating several eggs and a few strawberries and a banana for breakfast eating a healthy breakfast, having a good workout. I did meditation this morning. I meditated for five minutes. I read in my private pilot’s handbook I’m reading about twin engine planes right now they’re talking about if you’re flying a twin engine plane and one of the engines goes out how you’re supposed to feather the propellers so that it free spins and it doesn’t create drag so I’m learning about that today but overall it’s going to be a great day and tonight I’ve got my AA meeting. Looking forward to that my sponsee is going to be speaking tonight so that ought to be a good time. He’s about 60-65 days sober. It’s his first time given the qualification so I hope you have a wonderful day. Remember as Mama always says make your contribution. Have a great day. Thanks for listening. Bye.