326: That, I am…How Using Affirmations brings in Higher Power | Path to Warren Episode 326 Transcript

Good morning, Path to Warren podcast. This is Matt Warren. This is episode 326. Today is January 19, 2022. Beautiful, cold Wednesday morning. Hope you’re having a great day. So far, I wanted to share this concept that I learned from Wayne Dyer. He says that God said there’s a line in scripture that’s says “That, I am” is God. That, I am. And he says what that means is whenever you’re thinking in the future, you invite Higher Power and you invite God into your life, into this idea that you’re thinking when you say things like, I am healthy, I am beautiful, I am wealthy. I am a person with a positive attitude. When we speak in terms of I am, it reinforces in our mind and it’s like it aligns the spiritual aspect of what we’re trying to do. From what I understand, it brings Higher Power. And my understanding is that it brings God into the situation. So this morning, my action partner and I, we get together every Saturday morning and Wednesday morning at 06:00 a.m. Today. When we got together, we do these things called rampages. And we got that from Abraham Hicks. Abraham Hicks does morning rampages. And it’s where you just kind of speak fast, but whatever comes out of your mind and positivity and say that you’re going to have a great day. Those are rampages. And part of the rampage is that we say things in positive affirmations like, it’s going to be a good day. It’s going to be a great day. I have $10,735,482.91 as my net worth. I see the real estate deals and I see the real estate that we own and paid cash for. I see that on my personal financial statement. I am a healthy, happy and wealthy person today. I love my family. I love my job. It’s reinstating. It’s saying everything in the positive. Like that already happened. I am. So that would be my tip for today. Encourage each and every one of you to think of things in terms of “I am”. Instead of saying I need to be happy, I need to be healthy, I need to be whatever think of it in terms of I am. It’s going to be a great day. It is a great day. It’s a beautiful sunrise. Share this with you on the way into work. Hope you have a great Wednesday. And remember, as Mama always says, make your contribution. Thanks for listening to everybody. Have a great day. Bye.