335: 1 Whole Person X 1/2 a Person = 1/2 a Partnership | Path to Warren Podcast Episode 335 Transcript

Hello. Good morning, Path to Warren podcast. This is Matt Warren. Episode 335. Today is a beautiful Wednesday morning, February 2, 2022 Wanted to share with you a couple of things. Yesterday I had the opportunity to go to a High Impact Leadership class. It’s a really good class, and I’ve learned several things. Got a bunch of notes. Today I’m going into work. It’s about 7:30 in the morning. There’s a couple of key takeaways that I wanted to share from my meeting this morning with JB, my accountability partner. So this is going to sound like a few random little tips here, but I really wanted to share some of these. I sent an email to my parents yesterday morning, early yesterday morning with the spreadsheet for the website design work that I’m doing. And if you’ve been following this podcast in my PRG, in my pressure relief group, my guys recommended that I send that to them on a monthly basis to hold me accountable and also share with them where we are in the process of the website design because so I did that, and my dad’s real busy in a case right now. He’s got a recliner case that hurt somebody. They really haven’t had a chance to look at it, but it’s amazing because I’ve already worked 25 hours on it, and it’s neat to have the progress and be able to look at all that and know what I did and where I did it. I also typed up a list of kind of like an outline of these are all the different pages of the website. This is where I am with the home page. The main photo is okay, but I would rather have a boat that you’re out in the water instead of up against a dock. I just broke it down for where we are and what I’m thinking on each page and what I have left to do. So that felt really good to just show them on top of it and also help wrap my head around where we are, what all else I need to do to get it to where they have a website that they can share with friends and start posting a lot of things on there. Let’s see. My buddy JB shared with me one thing that Mel Robbins, he’s really gotten on to Mel Robbins these days, and I’ve listened to half a dozen of her videos. They’re really good. Mel says about Manifesting. Manifesting is about feeling good so that it propels you to take the action. There’s a lot of videos out there. There’s a lot of speakers out there that talk about just thinking and Think and Grow Rich, right? That’s the book title that’s so popular, but it’s all about the action. But a lot of people struggle with the action. So if they would manifest the feeling of what does it feel like to have a net worth of $10 million, what does it feel like to own an airplane. What does it feel like to have customers calling and the phone ringing off the hook? When we manifest those things, then we feel good. And when we feel good, then it pushes us to then take the action. So that might be a key takeaway for today’s podcast. The manifesting is not to just sit there and daydream, because if you daydream enough, it’s not just going to happen. We’ve got to take the action. She also uses this technique of 5-4-3-2-1 and that technique. She wrote a whole book about it. But that technique, she says that if you know you’re going to pour that drink that you don’t want to drink or you know you’re going to spend a bunch of money that you don’t need to spend or you’re going to do whatever problem that you know you shouldn’t be doing if you know you’re going to do that. She recommends to pause. And it lowers the stress when we say 5-4-3-2-1. So that was the key takeaway from today. That whenever I feel like acting out sexually or overspending or overeating eating a bunch of cake or ice cream, whenever I’m tempted to do those things, just a simple 5-4-3-2-1 pausing, letting it sink in, letting the stress be toned down a notch. It’ll really put me in the right mindset. I also wanted to report I’ve been meditating once and sometimes twice a day. Recently, I’ve gotten into a good habit in the morning to this meditation. I’ve also gotten into meditating mostly on my lunch breaks. On almost all of my lunch breaks, that’s really been good. There were a couple of notes from my PRG that I wanted to talk about. If you remember from Sunday’s Pressure Relief Group, there’s a couple of key highlights that I thought it really would be helpful to share about how mentioned, sharing that spreadsheet with my parents would help keep me humble and not let me run away with overcharging. And it also helps. Another thing that actually comes from that is that it keeps me on track. It keeps me working toward the goal of having it finished and not letting it draw out and just running up a tab. So that’s been really nice. Another key takeaway I had is this concept of spreadsheets. This came up when we were talking about my income plan, the income plan from the last PRG. I had all of the B jobs grouped as one. And then I had the A job right above it. They suggested that I break those out and have a row for each of those B jobs, which I don’t call them B jobs anymore. But the idea is to have a row for each one of those so that we can treat them all equally and celebrate their wholeness and not treat them like a B job. I guess that’s the key takeaway. So I did that. But one thing that Amos said was he said that’s why we call them spreadsheets because we can spread them this way and we could spread them this way. I love that they call them spreadsheets because we can spread out the numbers going down. We can spread out the numbers going over to the right or left. Another great thing that I thought they talked about, which I could do probably a whole podcast on this. But when you have two people and I think he was talking about it when they were talking about how my relationship with my wife, it sounds like two whole people and not a broken person and a whole person. Real quickly, Hal broke down that? When you have two people that are broken and are new in recovery, you’ve got a half a person plus a half a person. So when you try to combine those and you take a half times a half, it equals a quarter. It’s worse. If you have a half a person plus a half a person, it’s less than what you are just by yourself as a half. It actually becomes a quarter when you can try to take a half times a half. Then he said, what happens when you have one person that’s a whole person and times another person that’s a half a person, meaning you got one person in the relationship that’s whole and another person that’s a broken person, one times a half equals a half. But then what’s one times one? If you have a whole person times the whole person, you get a pair turned into one. When two become one, one times one is one. I love that. When I was sharing that with my accountability partner this morning, he said, that just reminds us this idea that we can’t rescue anybody, we can’t save anybody, we can’t get into a relationship with somebody and them be broken and them be a half a person because we’re going to end up being a half a person. Our partnership won’t be one, it’ll be a half. So I just loved that very much. And then finally, a key takeaway from the PRG was this concept that we need to be content and grateful for anything that we have that’s greater than zero. Now that might sound a little bit extreme, but the concept there is, if I’m chasing after a net worth of $10 million, it’s not about the journey. It’s not about getting to $10 million. And then I’m going to be happy, right? It’s not about or if I could just get to 10 million, if I could just get to Africa, if I could just get to Egypt, if I could just get to Italy, if I could just get to XYZ, if we’re not careful, we’re going to ruin the moment in the present. We need to be happy and know that we are enough right where we are. We’re content with being where we are today. So in all of that, he said, Remember, Matt, enough is a feast? Enough is a feast? I have enough today I have enough to pay my bills I have enough to eat I have a great job to pay my bills today. Enough is a feast be content with where we are today. It doesn’t mean strive it doesn’t mean I have goals it just means don’t be so hung up on trying to get it to the $10 million that we’re ruining the present so I hope you have a great day. Remember as Mama always says make a contribution. Have a great day. Thanks for listening. Bye.