336: Setting Zero Expectations Daily | Path to Warren Podcast Episode 336 Transcript

Good morning. Path to Warren podcast. This is Matt Warren. It’s episode 336. This is going to be a quick one. Zero expectations. Let’s talk about zero expectations. I just heard a podcast with Gary Vee where he was interviewing a very well known author, and the guy talked about how he realized that the secret to happiness and serenity is zero expectations. Like not having expectations that your boss is going to say something, not having expectations that your parents are going to give you atta-boys, not having expectations that you’re going to get hugs from your spouse, not having expectations that you’re going to get sex tonight, not having expectations that you’re going to be extremely successful. It doesn’t mean we can’t have goals, but just for today, we need to try very hard to not have expectations. When we go into a meeting that things are going to go well. There’s a saying in recovery where Serenity high, expectations low. So in order to have Serenity that’s high, we can get Serenity that’s high if our expectations are really low. So what does that mean? What that means when we’re going to make an amends? That the amendment process. It doesn’t matter what the person says. The person might or might not accept the amends. They might or might not give you a hug. It doesn’t matter if your expectations are low. We’re doing things to clear off our side of the street and to apologize for our part. We don’t know what they’re going to say, and it doesn’t matter what they say. We’re going to do our best to apologize to them in the amendment process. At work, We’re going to do our part. We’re going to have great intentions. We have to check our intentions. But the goal here that I’m learning is, well, the goal and also the secret to all this serenity is really to have zero expectations. So today I challenge you when you’re in a meeting, when you’re going home, when you’re talking with your parents or talking with somebody, set expectations to zero. Set expectations to zero. And anything else that happens above that is gravy. I hope you have a great day. And remember, as my mama always says, make a contribution. Have a great day. Thanks for letting me share.