Jerry Fest 2021, Five Points Fountain

Jerry Fest 2021, Five Points Fountain

We invited Michael, Brittney and Kristy to go with us to Jerry Fest in honor of Jerry Garcia from the Grateful Dead. There was a festival in 5-Points, Columbia, SC


Today, we had a productive Sunday and weekend for that matter. We washed the cars. I blew the leaves in most of the yard. Many projects were completed around the house including getting the hamster cage out from upstairs and preparing that to sell. We cleaned behind the refrigerator, cleaned behind the couches and large dresser in the hallway. All those cleaning projects were because we were trying to find the escaped hamster. We didn’t find him. We haven’t seen any recent droppings in the last two days, but when we got behind the couch, there were blood stains in the back corner. There were little foot marks from the hamster. We cleaned all of that up, but still haven’t found him. We thought he would be behind the fridge because the cat food bowls are right beside it in the kitchen, but there were no droppings or signs of him back there.

We put out all the Halloween decorations. Today we went to Jerry Fest, a local celebration in 5-points in honor of Jerry Garcia from the Grateful Dead. It was a blast. We had friends come over at 2pm today. Michael and Brittney brought their daughters and Kristy Polk came with us too. It was a blast. Maddie drove us in the golf cart down to the event. She is getting so much better at driving the golfcart. We need to work a little on starting without making it jump off the front wheels, but all in all, she is doing amazing for a 9-year-old. I’m proud of her driving and love that she wants me to sit next to her as she learns. There have been none of her friends that know how to drive as well as she can.

Meagan and I were able to be intimate today and it was wonderful sex. Maddie spent the night at Lilly and Lucy’s house, so we had plenty of time to spend together and work on all kinds of projects together like putting up Maddie’s new blinds. They look great but they really took two people. Meagan is so cool about me and my meetings. She actually likes listening in on the debtor’s meetings and let me listen to my 6pm men’s zoom with my air pods while I was drilling for the blinds in Maddie’s room.

Live is good today and feels balanced. I feel loved and appreciated. Grateful for exactly where I’m at today and I don’t regret the past, nor wish to shut the door on it.

Below are many photos from Jerry Fest 2021!

Grateful Dead’s Jerry Garcia performing at the Woodstock Music Festival in Bethel, New York on August 16, 1969.
Photo: Archive Photos/Getty Images