Chinese Pistache

Chinese Pistache

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Pistacia chinensis (English: Chinese pistache;[2] Chinese: 黄連木; pinyinhuángliánmù) is a small to medium-sized tree in the genus Pistacia in the cashew family, Anacardiaceae, native to central and western China.[3] This species is planted as a street tree in temperate areas worldwide due to its attractive fruit and autumn foliage.

It is hardy, can withstand harsh conditions and poor quality soils, and grows up to 20 m. The leaves are deciduous, alternate, pinnate, 20–25 cm long, with 10 or 12 leaflets, the terminal leaflet usually absent. The flowers are produced in panicles 15–20 cm long at the ends of the branches; it is dioecious, with separate male and female plants.

The fruit is a small red drupe, turning blue when ripe, containing a single seed. (

This tree in our frontyard makes me so happy during these fall months. The tree just finished up with its stunning fall color. Tons of leaves to pick up, but the color is amazing and second to none.