Baby Step 3: 3-6 months of Prudent Reserves; Visualizing Savings Plan

Baby Step 3: 3-6 months of Prudent Reserves; Visualizing Savings Plan

This was a worksheet that I found from the Dave Ramsey team regarding Baby Step 6: Pay off your home early. We are not quite there yet, but we are on Baby Step 3: Save 3-6 months into a Prudent Reserve.

I turned this worksheet of shading in each of the 180 bricks as you save the money into a worksheet for Step 3, since that is what we are on today. I put at the top that our goal is to save $30,000. I did my math on the right-hand side. We had $9,380 saved already. and we wanted to get $20,620 more saved to have $30,000 total. So, I divided the total number of bricks, 180, into $30,000 and came up with $167 per brick.

As we put away big chuncks of money into this savings account, I would outline the area for Maddie and she would color it in for us. It is an awesome visual to show Maddie how we are trying to save.