Lexington School District 4 Lease Proposal – Financing Option from Keystone

Lexington School District 4 Lease Proposal – Financing Option from Keystone

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Mark Cann <mark.cann@hannahsolar.com>Attachments
Jul 12, 2016, 6:45 AMto meHere are models to forward to Dave.

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Anthony Fotopoulos <anthony@keystoneph.com>
Date: July 11, 2016 at 1:45:24 PM EDT
To: Mark Cann <mark.cann@hannahsolar.com>
Cc: William DePhillipo <billy@keystoneph.com>
Subject: Lex-4 Savings Calculator

Mark, Attached is the savings calculator with the O&M rolled into the buyout.  In including the O&M in the financing the team had some thoughts:
–          They now HAVE to buy it out at the end of year 10 by doing this – the project is underwater otherwise, I’m not sure they will like that requirement 
–          A better way may be to roll it into the lease payment, so that it is a bit higher during year 1-10
–          But then we’re back to the same result as if we had the O&M separately paid for by them
–          We have to also check on the tax lease rules about forcing them to buy at end of year 10, may cause some issues I have not thought of yet
–          So, while a little harder to sell, it may be better to just go back to what we had before with O&M paid by them, even though it isn’t quite as good as paying nothing in years 1-10
–          I have attached both versions in case you want to go back to what we had before The spreadsheet can be updated with other costs:
–          I heard mention of inverter replacements, that is not included currently
–          Also property taxes (but to be clear, those are owed from years 1-10 as well by them, they are not paid for as part of the lease financing)
–          The other option we typically see included is insurance…  Although adding ~$5m of solar onto very valuable schools likely won’t  change their existing insurance much/at all
–          I haven’t attempted adding any of these, feel free to add yourself as you see fit 

Keystone Power Holdings, LLC
12 Paoli Pike, Suite 5Paoli, PA 19301 

Anthony C. Fotopoulos+1-303-859-1645 (m)+1-484-301-0755 x 23 (o)anthony@keystoneph.comwww.keystoneph.com