Tehran, Carrying the Message of Recovery

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Tehran is located between Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan, but with Zoom, I can connect to them instantly.
North of the City is the Caspian Sea. I hope to fly my wife there in our airplane one day.
Wow, shocked at how large the city is. It seems really developed.
photo credit Google Maps


Today, I was asked to speak at the Tehran Men’s SLAA meeting tomorrow night. It is at 10:30pm Eastern time, 7:30am Tehran time. I have never spoken for that group yet, but I have participated twice on the meeting. It is one of the most powerful meetings in the world. The men are real, vulnerable and eager to hear experience, strength and hope. I’m honored to do it and to be of service. They are really great guys. It happens way past my normal bed time though. I’ll be so jacked after that meeting, I’m sure it will be difficult to get some sleep. I don’t know though, I might crash afterwards.

It is neat how the meeting works, there is a main guy who is the translator. He speaks in English and Tehran. He will repeat each sentence. I will share my story slowly and he will translate each sentence for the 15-20 men, half from America and half from Tehran. What a special opportunity, I am truly honored and am looking forward to it.