Newsletter #1

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  • Post category:Recovery

Good morning, yesterday, I stumbled across this handbook and thought you might find it interesting and possibly helpful. It breaks down record keeping in the simplest form. This is the paper version of what I tried to create with Google Sheets tool. If you already have a system, great! Maybe this approach might help the newcomer who struggles with spreadsheets. Feel free to forward this to others. 

To get current, today, I realized that I have a fear of visibility. As a teenager when some of my friends were striving to be the President of the United States or something like a YouTube celebrity, I would often say, “I’d rather be wealthy, and nobody knows me than to be broke and everyone knows me.” That was often my line that I’d pull out when what I was really running from was a fear of being seen.

There were parts of my childhood that I didn’t want anyone to see or know. There were “skeletons in my closet” that lived in the form of secrets that nobody would ever learn about. I saw politicians that during elections had every single bad thing they had ever done or said put back up in front of them for the world to see. I saw sex scandals and business fraud exposed. It freaked me out because I was not being completely honest in all areas of my life. I was manipulative and thought it was an asset. I can say that I have and have had much fear about my behavior from my past life.

Today in recovery, I struggle with being put on our company webpage at work. I struggled with posting on LinkedIn for work for the longest time. I struggled posting on Facebook for our company after having ‘gone quiet’ during my bottom and early stages of recovery. I want to start a YouTube channel full of videos to help people with finances and relationships. I want to share what I have learned. I want to start a weekly e-newsletter where I can share a tip a week about just one helpful nugget of information.

The problem: that would mean that I must become visible and not live in the shadows anymore. Thanks to your help, my Higher Power’s help, the 12 Steps and the love that I have felt in the rooms before and after I unloaded those secrets…this is one of my first action steps to walking through the fear of being seen, being visible and being of service. Thanks for letting me share and thanks for receiving this. Would love to hear from you
