When Warren Solar Decided Internally It’s Time to Become Brokers…4% Doesn’t Cut It

Solar contractors


Kirby Oblachinski <kirbyoblachin@yahoo.com>Thu, Aug 11, 2016, 7:24 PM
to wlwolfson, me

1. Carolina Solar Energy..,, Durham. N C
2.A1A solar contracting… Jacksonville Fla
3.Sundance Power Systems…Weaverville NC
4.NC Solar Now.   Raleigh NC
5.Southern Current…,Charleston SC
6. Tenn. Solar Solutions…Chattanooga Tenn

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Solar contractor list


Kirby Oblachinski <kirbyoblachin@yahoo.com>Thu, Aug 11, 2016, 12:04 PM
to wlwolfson, me

I do think it is a good idea to divide the contractor list among us and set the appointments for the 3 of us to go and explore the possibility of a relationship between Warren Solar and them.
Bill why don’t you focus on the following in NC
1. Strata Solar… Chapel Hill NC
2. Innovative Solar Systems.  Asheville NC
3. FLS Energy.    Asheville NC
4.Sunenergy 1.    Mooresville NC
This is JUST a start!!!!!
Kirby O

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Kirby Oblachinski <kirbyoblachin@yahoo.com>Tue, Aug 9, 2016, 8:39 PM
to me

I agree and Radiance has been contacted. If I don’t hear back by tomorrow, I will call again.

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Re: Sales Rep Agreement


susan wolfson <susitoffi@hotmail.com>Tue, Aug 9, 2016, 7:47 PM
to me, Kirby, Bill

I agree it’s best to tread lightly and not burn bridges.

Re: Sales Rep Agreement


susan wolfson <susitoffi@hotmail.com>Tue, Aug 9, 2016, 7:45 PM
to me, Kirby, Bill

.Billy and I can. Is Kirby in town?

From: Matt Warren <matthewtwarren3@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 7:38:24 PM
To: ‘susan wolfson’; ‘Kirby Oblachinski’
Cc: ‘Bill Wolfson’
Subject: RE: Sales Rep Agreement 

I would like to get a few other companies on board with Warren Solar before we talk to Hannah and Vision. I don’t want for Hannah and Vision to say that they are not interested in working with us and we not have a supplier. I will be in the office early in the morning.

No, I have not signed this agreement with Hannah. When we were trying to go over the commission structure with Hannah, I sent this in our meeting.

Kirby reached out to Radiance Solar today. I don’t think that we need to let all of the companies publicly know who all we are representing. This will change over time and I think we are better off to keep that to ourselves. Yes, we all need to be able to create a design, proposal and explain it step by step.

If you guys would like to meet in the morning, lets do it!

Thanks for the emails and thoughts as we work through this new exciting business.


Re: Sales Rep Agreement


susan wolfson <susitoffi@hotmail.com>Tue, Aug 9, 2016, 7:20 PM
to Kirby, me, Bill

We all need to be on the same page. we all need to know how to bid a job, especially me as I am doing the paper work. I want to know that Hannah is going to pay us. Who do they think we are, why did they give us email addresses. When our client signs a contract, how do we know we will not be cut out like they tried to do to the schools? What guarantees do we have?

Re: Sales Rep Agreement


Kirby Oblachinski <kirbyoblachin@yahoo.com>Tue, Aug 9, 2016, 2:55 PM
to me, Bill, Susan

This agreement only has Matt Warren as contractor and no where does it mention any additional sales representatives. Every potential job that I am involved is with Hannah, I am not concerned one bit with Matt Warren but could this be problematic with Hannah at some point. Just something to think about and possibly discuss. I am calling other contractors now per our discussion yesterday.


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On Aug 8, 2016, at 12:11 PM, Matt Warren <matthewtwarren3@gmail.com> wrote:

Matt Warren

Solar Power Provider 

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mark Cann <mark.cann@hannahsolar.com>
Date: June 8, 2016 at 4:12:01 PM EDT
To: Matt Warren <matthewtwarren3@gmail.com>
Subject:Sales Rep Agreement


See attached your sales rep agreement.  Have a look and get back to us.



Best regards,

Mark Cann

Hannah Solar, LLC

Regional  Development Manager

1311 Collier Rd.

Atlanta GA 30318

C: (864) 706-3930

O: (404) 609-7005


<Hannah Sales Rep Agreement_MW_5-3-16.docx>



Kirby Oblachinski <kirbyoblachin@yahoo.com>Aug 8, 2016, 8:33 PM
to me

First, let me say, I am with you without question. If someone came to you looking for 100K investment in a business, think about what questions and concerns you would have BEFORE you made a loan or investment.

1. What will I get for my money?

2. How safe is my money?

3. When will I get my money back?

4.What are the stumbling blocks in front of you?

5.What are the upsides and the downsides?

6.What can go wrong?

7. Why this business vs another business

8. Is 100K enough?

9. What is your earning potential?

10.What is your exit plan?

Matt, These are basic investor questions that must be answered in order for  them to have a comfort level to become partners with us.

We must find a way to ” speed up the process from inception to where it is fully approved “. This industry will never keep good professional sales people who must wait 9-12 months to get paid. I am working on contacting other providers that we can become their sales arm and hopefully will provide the “backroom operation that we need.

The relationship with Hannah paying us 4% is not a good deal. I know we will get a better deal elsewhere with as good or better back-up. I have had bad vibes since Palmetto Brick meeting with Hannah. To be honest I have had my doubts about this industry over the past 3 -4 weeks. The senior management of these companies do not understand the value of having a good ISO representing them. That attitude is a Engineer attitude who discounts a good sales team. We have the embryonic state of a good sales team. Hang on tight…”TOUGH TIMES NEVER LAST BUT GOOD TOUGH PEOPLE DO”. One day we will look back and think” how in the hell did we get thru those early days”. I know this because I have done it twice.

Kirby O