Energy Efficiency And Healthier Facilities

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Energy Efficiency And Healthier Facilities | Building space worldwide increases at the rate of adding one entire New York City every month, and that pace will likely continue past 2050. The push for businesses to go green keeps getting stronger. Case in point: 78% of businesses plan to attain carbon neutrality. Facility managers and owners can make a positive impact on the environment by taking steps to reduce their building’s carbon output.

A startling fact is that building operations account for 28% of total global carbon emissions—nearly as much as industrial output.

Whether your building is highly intelligent or relatively “old fashioned”, it can become a lot smarter, save money, and get you closer to your business’s goals.

Step 1 = Get the facility’s mechanical systems shored up, working optimally, and on a quarterly preventative maintenance program.

(Source: Facility Executive – Creating Intelligent Buildings website)