Solar Template Email from Steven Peterson

From: Steven Petersen <>
Date: February 11, 2016 at 3:54:09 PM EST
Subject: DRAFT

Mr. Jahnke,
Hello sir… I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Steven Petersen. I am the area manager for South Carolina.  John Earnest from corporate has asked me to help work with you on this proposal, so in the future you are welcome to reach out to us both for any questions!  
I was hoping if we could meet on this coming Monday to deliver your home’s engineered proposal.  The reason for this day is that I will be traveling from Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.  I have one other appointment in Columbia that particular day.  Does that work for you?  If so, what times would be best? Our appointment usually takes 40 minutes “at most”.  Looking forward to your response!

Lastly, our goal is to make this process seamlessly simple from start to install!…and so, in being true to that promise, I have provided different websites below for more education.  Please reference/cite more information as apart of your due diligence. Also, it will help motivate and trigger the right questions for me! 
Vision Solar website:

Vision Solar reviews:;_ylt=AwrXgiKuK95VSF8AV3uTmYlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByZDNzZTI1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw–

Vision Solar with the Mayor of Columbia during an install:–325650401.html

Please like us on Vision Solar’s Facebook for great solar articles:

How solar works:

What roof pitch do you have:

South Carolina pushing utility companies to go GREEN:

Learn more about the SolarizeSC initiative:

Learn more about the PAcE initiative:

SCE&G energy cost hikes since 2008:

SCE&G new energy cost hikes as of October 2014:

More about SCE&G’s 7th rate increase:

1.  Increases your home’s equity – According to a 2013 study produced by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a medium-sized residential solar system can add over $20,00 to the value of a home.
Forbes article in regards to the appraisal equity:

2. As stated in the article below, homes sell 20% quicker on the housing market…

3. This is by far the best rate of return on your money!!!  All of your savings projected within our engineered proposals are based on a 25-year forecast.  This is due to the ending time of your warranty. However, the failure rate of the actual system well extends 40+ years.  By investing in a solar system you will find that your savings on what… “could of been” in regards to paying utility cost, could be the difference of over 100K – depending on the size of your system.  We are condition to pay an energy bill month-to-month.  Let’s change that!!!
4.  I personally think it looks trendy and cool – show it off  🙂
Thank you for your time!  Please let me know if there is anything I can do to better your experience with Vision Solar.
Steven Petersen
Area Manager
(843) 732-4525 
(888) 781-7074