This offering is for single plants of this variety. These are growing in 2 inch containers.
This evergreen, herbaceous perennial blooms a yellow flower with red and orange markings. The blooms continue rapidly throughout the year, and arise from green, thick stalks up to 2 -6 feet(2-4 feet wide). Best performs as an enhancement to the landscape by border planting, groundcover under trees, and foundation planting.
Amount of Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade
Amount of Water: Once mature water occasionally; tolerates
moderate drought
Soil Conditions: Dry, well-drained soil
Cold Hardiness Zone: 8-11
This low maintenance plant needs a regular water schedule to ensure the growth of a mature root system. After the mature root system is established, watering is needed occasionally, except during a drought, watering is needed regularly. Remove old flower stalks to maintain its appearance.
credits: nurserystarterplants