All Hands On Deck to Reduce Acid Reflux, Just for Today

All Hands On Deck to Reduce Acid Reflux, Just for Today

Last Friday, 7/9/21, I did lunch with my mom at Fusco’s. We had a really nice time catching up with each other. She is doing much better. We kept the conversation pretty 30,000 feet, except I shared that I was actively working to do whatever it takes to try and heal my gut and get off all acid reflux medication. My current challenge is to learn all that I can about the matter and become an expert.

I shared that I trust Dr. Willis, my doctor for acid reflux related issues, however he is in the business of keeping clients. He has told me that the pills are not that bad. The side effects are miniscule and not a big deal….not to worry. If it is working, that is what matters. I’d like to see my records from him, but I believe I have been taking prescription medication for acid reflux since I was about 9 years old.

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I remember leaving swim team practice and having to tell mom to pull over and throwing up out the window. Even opening the door, throwing up at a random stop light…Closing the door and being good to go.

In college, I always struggled to drink beer, not because I’m a recovering alcoholic, but because the fraternity keg beer or Busch light cans would fill me up so quick. I would often have to slip out the back, throw up, feel much better, then switch to something like bourbon and coke thinking that would be better than the beer. It helped in that I would get to the point quicker…which for me was drunk. However, I now know that the bourbon and coke were horrible for my gut.

After college, I had a spree of drinking that lasted from about 21 -31. During those 1o years, I drank and ate whatever I wanted and never held back from smoking generous amounts of weed or the occasional cig for that matter. I was living it up, for sure. There was a pill I could take to take care of the “hereditary” heart burn issue.

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