Best of the Best Business Ideas for the Young Entrepreneur

Today, I’m so excited about all that is happening in my life. Life today has balance. I enjoy getting up early and having my quiet time. I’m excited about the future, but I must stay in the present.

For young entrepreneurs, these are some of the best ideas of businesses to start.

  • Lawn Service – I started a lawn service when I was 12 and by the time I was 18, I was maintaining 33-35 years per week.
  • Pine Straw or Mulch Delivery/Spreading Business – My experience has been that there are local pine straw suppliers around the area who drive the huge pine straw trailers around town as they make deliveries. I’ve been known in my late teens and early twenties to flag down a guy driving a full load of pine straw or follow him to the gas station. I found that they would deliver the pine straw bales to me for around 3-3.25 per bale and I could deliver and spread them for $6-7 per bale.
  • Shoe shining – excellent business for a kid who lives in a neighborhood and doesn’t have a mode of transportation yet. I found that offering to pick up men’s dress shoes off of their front porch, bring them back to my basement, shine them and return them on my bike was a nice way to make some quick money as a young kid.
  • Detail gardening – In college, I found that doing manual labor in my professor Dr. Bauer’s yard was the best way to make money. Also, during the lawn service and pine straw business chapters, if I needed money and had time, I would push the easy, no brainer projects like pulling weeds, raking up leaves, edging, weed-eating and pruning.

When I started the lawn service business, there were no jobs. Let me repeat. ZERO jobs were available. I made double the hourly rate pulling weeds and doing manual labor jobs than I would have made working at a restaurant or delivering pizzas.

Mowing 30+ yards a week in High School at $40 per yard = $1200 per week! I averaged 30 minutes per yard. So 15 hours per week divided into $1200 = $80 per hour! Come on young hustlers, lets do this. Let me now how I can help you.