10/19/21 Today, I woke up from a dream. It was a great dream, like a vision of the future. In the dream, I was working on installing a runway. I was going back to check on an old house, walked past two elderly people who were still there from when we lived there. I struck up a conversation with them because they were on the front porch watching me and I needed to say hello. Somehow the conversation came up that I was going to be building a grass strip runway to land our plane. Something is telling me that I will build one of these one day on a piece of property that I own. It is exciting. To be able to just take off right near our home would be incredible. I can imagine that I could get into studying the perfect runway specifications and how to build one so that I can show our contractor how to build it. I envision that it is laser leveled and a smooth place to land planes.