Hiring a PR Firm, Flock & Rally, before having Financing to pay them, Grandiose

From: Debi Schadel <debi@flockandrally.com>Date: October 14, 2016 at 8:41:47 PM EDTTo: Matt Warren <matt@warrensolar.com>Cc: Tracie Broom <tracie@flockandrally.com>, Debi Schadel <debi@flockandrally.com>Subject: Re: Budget, meet the team, onboardingHello Matt! Here are a couple documents you can edit…

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“What does the customer need?”

Instead of creating a product and then finding customers, Amazon asks, “What does the customer need?” and works backwards toward a product. Amazon’s writing culture, explainedMaking fun of PowerPoint presentations…

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