COMPRESSOR FAILURE, WHAT CAUSES THEIR BREAKDOWN? | The compressor is considered to be the heart of the air conditioning system. Therefore, if it fails, the entire air conditioning system fails. Compression is a crucial stage in the refrigeration cycle. It’s what puts the refrigerant into a very cold state that results in cooled air.
5 Most common causes of AC compressor failure:
1. Dirty Coils — Dust, grime and mineral deposits can build up on the condenser coils. Lack of proper cleaning slows down or blocks the system from expelling waste heat from the system. This affects its efficiency and can result in overheating and, ultimately, failure. Cleaning the compressor coils requires correct cleaning procedures to avoid damage to the aluminum fins.
2. Blocked Refrigerant Lines — Refrigerant lines are tubes that transport refrigerant throughout the air conditioner. When they get blocked, the heating and air conditioning system’s output can be diminished, which can later lead to overheating and compressor failure.
3. Low Refrigerant Levels — Low refrigerant levels are typically caused by leaks in the refrigerant lines. Low refrigerant levels make the compressor work hard just to pump enough refrigerant through the AC unit, which can lead to compressor failure.
4. Misaligned Belts and Pulleys — Too much slack in the belts, the incorrect belt, or misaligned belt causes undue stress and strain on the system. Quarterly preventive maintenance checks should include alignment and check of the belts.
5. Filter Issues — Many times filters are missing, caked in dust, or sucked into the frame. Filters keep the coils clean. Coils keep the refrigerant flowing and working properly. Lack of proper filters changed on a quarterly bases is directly linked reducing wear and tear on the compressor.
At Total Comfort Solutions, we provide uptime and reliability as well as equipment longevity for commercial, industrial and heath care facilities.