Concept Meeting Outline

Company Name & Location: .

Contact: . Phone/Email: .

· How long in this position? Before?

· Own or Lease? Age of Building: Tell me about your business.

· What are you responsible for? Any other buildings or facilities?

· What are the biggest challenges you face in (growing) your business?

· What are your priorities?

· What is your philosophy when it comes to HVAC? (Inhouse/Out-source)

· If you could change anything about your current provider, what would you change?

Lower cost, better communication, better service?

· What were the determining factors in selecting the company you’re using now?

· What are your criteria for making a decision? Walk me through that process.

· How/when do you budget for annualized maintenance costs?

· Who is involved in that process? Who signs the dotted line?

· Do you set aside funds or have a Cap-Ex fund for major projects?

· What are your expectations when working with a new provider?

· Hardest part of your position in regard to dealing with HVAC equipment?

· What operating problems/breakdowns have you experienced?

· How does the HVAC system impact your operations?

· What if we were able to offer a better, more cost justified solution vs what you are currently doing? Would you be willing to make a change?

Traditional Vs. Conventional Full Service.

Here is how we work together to make this a reality


b. Show Cost Sheet…. Now we look at this 2 different ways: Cost Analysis and a Technical Assessment.

c. We put all of this together for the Verification Meeting and help prepare recommendations and ROI for all your leadership team or whoever ultimately makes those decisions…

This way we can make sure the solutions makes sense both operationally and financially.

Does this concept make sense? Is it something you think you would want to investigate further?

What is your timeline and who needs to be involved to make a decision?

Does your company give you the ability to buy value?

If this concept/process makes sense/justified-are you prepared to make a change/when?