“I read recently where my arm is connected to the heart and we need to realize that when we write, it physically gets better because we start to heal.”
This came from Virginia, a sweet elderly lady whose own son’s recovery journey led her to a 12-step recovery program. She always sits next to him in the meetings. She is a slender, frail lady whose words are poetic and always touch my soul. When she speaks, it is out of motherly love and always provides strength and hope with just the right words.

She shared how she picked up a good book of recovery and shared what she had learned. It said that through the physical act of journaling, our broken heart starts to heal. WOW. What an important reminder in my time of need. I know that journaling has been such a blessing in my life during recovery.

My tool of choice is a nice Pentel 0.7mm P207 mechanical pencil with a Moleskin Pro, Classic Notebook, Hard Cover, A4- 8.25×11.75″ Large (https://us.moleskine.com/en/pro-notebook-black/p1298).

I like to use a Moleskin journal, something there is just something amazing that happens when you have a quality writing utensil and a nice Moleskin binder. The words just flow, and it make you feel good.

When Virginia shared this in a meeting, that made so much sense to me. I give every day its own page. At the top right-hand corner of each page, I will put the day’s date. I don’t try to put today on the left-hand side and tomorrow on the right-hand side. Each day is special enough to get its own page. It’s like a fresh start…like the fresh start I have been given in recovery.