Earth Day Challenge and The Solution

Earth Day Challenge and The Solution

Although every day is Earth Day when you’re a farmer, isn’t it? We’re incredibly lucky to be able to spend so much time outdoors with our hands in the soil, connecting with the land. The flip side, of course, is that our work makes us acutely aware of changing weather patterns, and we understand that we are already seeing the effects of climate change. 

In the third part of their Sixth Assessment Report released earlier this month, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) presented a few big challenges for our global food system. The good news? We already have the knowledge, tools, and technology to tackle them! 

Farm from a Box is a decentralized technology built with both communities and the environment at its core. Our system runs 100% off-grid, conserves water, regenerates soil health, prevents food waste, and provides real-time data from the field to the technology to help you farm more efficiently. Farm from a Box amplifies the benefits of regenerative farming, allowing us to increase our resilience right now while we work to mitigate the future effects of climate change.