ENERGY SCARCITY – Global Automakers, like #Porche are trying to fulfill the kinds of ambitious commitments they’ve made to cut energy use. In order to do that, they’re looking at any and every area of their business. What is the growing problem of the “Global Energy Crisis”? The energy crisis is the concern that the world’s demands on the limited natural resources that are used to power #industrial society are diminishing as the demand rises. These natural resources are in limited supply.

Porsche has announced they have a big plan to source energy from the sun. But it’s not exactly slapping a panel on the back of its highly sought-after luxury vehicles. Instead, the company plans to develop a #solar#energy#microgrid at its Atlanta, Georgia, headquarters.

The solar array will take on “a significant portion of the site’s annual electricity needs” according to Porsche, including powering the company’s onsite fleet of Taycans #EVs. Porsche has previously announced a pledge to reach carbon neutral status across its operations by 2030.