Exploration through The Path to Warren

What is the Path to Warren and Why did I name my website that? I’ve been asked that question a few times and this talk is to explain the different aspects and plans for the future. One of the first phrases that I learned when I started working for my dad’s company was “Path to Warren”.

My job today is that I am Business Development Manager for Warren Forensic Engineers. Our firm has a team of 9 engineers and consultants that testify in court and opine based on the facts of an investigation. When we get a new scene, somebody has had a bad day. When we get hired on a new case from an attorney or an insurance claim from an insurance adjuster, we always as the client “How did you find out about us? We call that path to their business, “The Path to Warren.” Then we make a note in our database so that we can track how we get our clients. We call that information “The Path to Warren.” One day when I was in the office, it hit me that I should name my website, podcast and YouTube after The Path to Warren.

April 18th, 2020, was the date of my first blog on The Path to Warren website. At the start of Covid 19, I challenged myself to use the extra time at home to double down on learning WordPress and how to create and maintain my own website. Just one month prior to my first blog, I started watching YouTube videos on how to create a WordPress website. Around the first of March 2020, I was inspired by listening to Gary Vee. Most of Gary’s content is simply documenting his journey. That is exactly what I am trying to do. I chose the Path to Warren as a name because this journey through sobriety and solvency has been a path for sure!

To date, I have started over 600 blogs, 300 podcast and posted 15 YouTube videos sharing my experience strength and hope. I have used the principle “Write like no one is watching” to help me get off the ground with the blog. Then, after I got the hang of WordPress and blog writing, I then ventured into Podcasting. I found a neat app called Anchor that I can record everything from my phone, and it broadcasts and then uploads it automatically to 6 or so audio apps. I’ve really come to love and cherish those podcasts, especially the first 200 episodes as I was working through the raw emotions as I worked the 12 Steps of recovery.

Recently, around podcast episode 300, I got comfortable with uploading videos onto YouTube. I only have about 15 videos right now, but these will develop and improve over time. One of the most freeing parts of all of these platforms is the fact that I can share about all areas of my life and didn’t silo myself to just having a gardening blog, or a business development blog, or a recovery blog, or anything like that. The platforms are ALL things Matt Warren and that is what makes them special. All of these platforms are titled “Path to Warren”. I’m not just a salesman, I’m not just a gardener, I’m not just a person who has hit rock bottom and turned their life around. I’m a combo of all of those areas, plus many more.

My vision for the future is to provide clean water, clean food and clean electricity to those who need it most. We will generate clean energy through solar panels mounted on top of shipping containers. Inside of those shipping containers will be sustainable indoor farming hydroponic systems. The crops will be grown in nutrient rich water and generate mountains of pesticide-free vegetables for the local community. The water for the hydroponics system and for sustaining the crops and community will be made clean from any water source using the most advance reverse osmosis water purification systems.

Currently on the market are solar companies that generate electricity and have their solar panels secured to the top of shipping containers. None of them have figured out a way to provide enough power to offset a hydroponic operation within the container though.

Currently on the market are hydroponic vegetable producers who grow crops indoor, even inside of shipping containers. There are about a dozen of companies that have mastered their hydroponic products. However, all of them must be plugged into the grid and get their electricity from the utility companies. Not all locations have reliable electricity, so my goal is to turn these containers that grow crops into self-sustaining power generating systems.

Currently on the market are plenty of water purification systems, but I’m looking or the kind that could purify any source and make it drinkable.

I’m determined to utilize my passion for growing things and combine it with my extensive solar industry knowledge and experience. I’m creating the ultimate Private, Secure, Off-the-grid grow site and I’m excited to document this journey and I figure it all out.