First Warren Solar Installation

First Warren Solar Installation

There were so many lessons learned during my first solar installation. My crew was clueless. We had watched a few YouTube videos and even had the solar panel and racking distributor out to the house to give us a few installation tips. The photos are to show just how steep the roof angle was. We had to rent a cherry picker lift and that made life so difficult. We didn’t even have fall protection. It worked and we got the job done, but I don’t recommend that to anyone.

I loved to look at the glare off of the panels in the evening.
We ran the conduit and had the electrician tie it in. This was his first solar connection so there were things he had to learn as well.
Panel where the interconnection would be made
I offered to mulch the client’s front yard because we took so long and had obvious learning curve moments. She was nice about it, but I felt like some mulch might make her a raving fan. It didn’t work.