Lesson Learned: “Appointment Setters”

Lesson Learned: “Appointment Setters”

Stumbled across this old photo from clearing out my old personal emails. This was from 1/16/16. Let me explain what they are trying to show here. They, meaning this solar company of independent sales reps and managers, believe that they can hire “setters” to go out and line up appointments for the sales reps.

Let me tell you that this is a disaster waiting to happen. This person was expected to get on the phone or knock on random people’s doors with the sole intention of just setting up an appointment with a sales person to do a demo.

The setter got paid per demo that he/she set up that week….independent of how successful the demo was or was not! They dangled this carrot as an incentive to say “you don’t even have to close the deal…just get me infront of the people and based on my closing ration, I’ll make my sales commission and pay you out of it for setting appointments.”

They will even had training pay of $700 based off of $350 per week over 2 weeks for you to train them. Saying that if you just line me up 8 or more appointments per week for me to do demos, then you could make $86,000 per year! What a freaking joke! I’m so glad I’m as far away from this industry as a whole. Too many sharks in the water that it became hard to trust anyone.