Letter to Myself 1 Year Out


Dear Matt

Today is 12/31/22, this year has been wonderful. Just to recap:

  • I have learned how to fly a plane and received my private pilot’s license and it is great.
  • I have turned my annual income into my monthly income.
  • I have multiple streams of income come in from all around the world.
  • My Youtube channel is bangging! It is blowing up. I have 100 videos posted to my channel.
  • My podcast has now over 600 episodes and people enjoy listening to it all around the world.
  • Meagan and I have fully funded Maddie’s college fund with $100,000 in her 529 plan.
  • We are quickly closing in on having our home 100% paid for.
  • We received a healthy and just settlement from Meagan’s wreck for $600,000 and it feels great.
  • Today is a great day.
  • I’m happy, healthy, and wealthy and it feels wonderful.
  • I am excited because we have the a marriage that works like a team.
  • Meagan and I communicate multiple times a day.
  • I send Meagan an email every morning with my plan for the day and a love quote.
  • I created a beautiful website for my parent’s and they are using it to post their journey on 2×2.
  • I am making $873,600 annually and I’m on my way to 40 years old.
  • I have built a shipping container with solar panels that powers batteries and has an indoor farm set up inside. We sell the crops for a profit.

Keep setting goals. Keep the vision high and shoot for the stars.

Matt Warren