Livestock grazing under solar panels

Livestock grazing under solar panels

This might sound like a good idea, but there are just too many wires and issues with animals scratching their backs on the corner of panel arrays. On the same note, what are you supposed to do with that area under the arrays?

I used to get asked that question all the time. Do I spray it with roundup? Do I plant wildflowers and let it be natural? Do I keep it mowed and weedeat under the array post? Do I put down gravel directly under the array where it is mostly shaded and have grass strips between the arrays where it can easily be mowed.

These are all legitimate questions with many differences of opinions. No one wants to be “Mr. Environmental who installed solar panels” but then be seen out there once a quarter, or ever, spraying around them with Roundup or a grass killer. That is so controversial. The panels are going to require maintenance both on the front of the array and under the array. I don’t believe a flock of sheep is the answer though.