Maddie’s Garden

Maddie’s Garden

When Maddie was one and a half years old, we had a lot of extra tomato and veggie plants left over from the farm. Maddie helped me water them in the evenings and even pull weeds. She loved to be right by my side. When the tomato plants got to be big enough to plant, we planted all that we could in the yard, but then had a ton left over.

We decided to put out an email on the neighborhood list serve saying “tomato and perennial flower plants for sale. Maddie Warren is selling these vegetable plants that she helped grow.” The neighbors poured in and brought their wallets. I had her accept the cash and we sold them all for $5 each.

That day we counted $700 cash that we had raised from these little tomato plants, started from a few packs of seeds. This sounded so good that I had a logo created by our graphic designer buddy, Joe Long, and the rest is history.