My Inspiration for NOT limiting my content to just one “lane” of my life…NO filtering

My Inspiration for NOT limiting my content to just one “lane” of my life…NO filtering

During Covid when things got really bad and we were mandated to stay inside during the forced lockdown period, I found myself listing to the GaryVee Podcast “Tea with GaryVee” daily. His words of encouragement inspired me to take the leap of faith and make this WordPress blog and make my podcast.

One of the key things that I heard was the idea of not channeling my content. He encouraged me to post and share about ALL aspects about my life. He said that the reason that I am special is because of my past life, my current life and my future goals. Don’t limit and not talk about recovery, my past addictions, my current struggles in certain areas, and my future grandiose dreams and aspirations.

GaryVee reminded me that I never want to be on stage one day and have someone in the audience say “Hey, my sister/brother knows you. You are that guy who used to smoke weed or was addicted to drugs and alcohol…or whatever you might want to keep a secret.” He said if you talk about it all, then there is nothing to hide…in fact, I could really help someone who is struggling with that very issue and is afraid to talk about it.

He also said that he didn’t think it was smart for him to have a “wine podcast” for his Empathy wine business, a card flipping podcast, a media branding podcast, a Jets podcast, a parenting podcast…etc. etc. etc. He said “tomorrow, if I want to wake up and start talking about gummy bears or snowcones, I can do that on my platform. I can talk about whatever is going on currently in my life. Today, I talk about NFT’s because that is the hot topic in my mind.” He said, “I’m so glad I don’t have to go out and create a brand new podcast to start talking about something new.”

YES! That is exactly what I wanted and needed to hear. I don’t want to limit want I can talk about. Today, if I want to talk recovery, tomorrow talk about what I’m learning about private pilot training, the next day talk about gardening tips that I know, the next day I talk about my battle with chronic acid reflux, the next day I talk about trying to eat healthier by eating Vegan, the next day talk about parenting lessons….so on and so forth. No limit. I have ONE platform and I can talk about whatever needs to be talked about.

I have chosen to not go down the sponsorship route too because I don’t want that filter either. That might come one day, but I’m enjoying the open space to share about whatever is on my heart and mind at the time. No Filters Please!

I am forever grateful to GaryVee and his encouragement to speak the truth and sharing about these things truly is healing to me and my soul. Thank you.