Recently, I have found that since we already know the major cities we are planning to target this year, by starting a binder for each my system is maximized. Organizing by target city has allowed me to have a parking place for pieces of papers or notes related to that city. I simply punch holes in each paper and put it in the binder.

When the time comes to start calling on clients or prospects in those cities, I can just pick up the binder and I’m off to the races. I will print off an excel spreadsheet out of our CRM for that specific city. Normally, I will look up each client or prospect before I call them. I can tell right away by their LinkedIn profile if they will see me or not.
If I find a target who is a key person to go see, I will print off their LinkedIn profile out of the Sales Navigator function of LinkedIn. By doing this, I have increased my chances of seeing them. Now in my mind, it has become a goal to see them. Again when it comes time to call on them, I have a binder with printed LinkedIn profiles of targets….man! That is half the battle, coming up with who to call on to maximize the trip.
Keep the binders labeled neatly with your company logo and print strips of paper for the spine that says something like “Charlotte Area Marketing Binder.” Have them all facing the same direction, of course. That is when you tilt your head to the right, all the binders should be sitting straight up and down and the labels should read correctly, top to bottom. Give this technique.