Fw: Harvest Hope
Brittain, Brooke <BRITTABA@dhec.sc.gov> | Tue, Sep 13, 2016, 3:54 PM | ![]() ![]() | |
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Hey Matt, our new grant starts Oct 1st so that is when we get our funding to work on this project. When would be a good time to work on this project? Early Oct? I didn’t know when the prime months are for growing the veggies you mentioned previously.
Brooke A. Brittain, MS, RD, LD, CHES, CLC
SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator
Office of Professional & Community Nutrition Services
SC Department of Health & Environmental Control
Columbia Mills Building
301 Gervais St.
Columbia, SC 29201
PH: 803-898-0918
FAX: 803-545-4563
EMAIL: brittaba@dhec.sc.gov
Brittain, Brooke <BRITTABA@dhec.sc.gov> | Thu, Aug 25, 2016, 9:15 AM | ![]() ![]() | |
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Hey Matt, our new grant starts Oct 1st so that is when we get our funding to work on this project. When would be a good time to work on this project? Early Oct? I didn’t know when the prime months are for growing the veggies you mentioned previously.
Brooke A. Brittain, MS, RD, LD, CHES, CLC
SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator
Office of Professional & Community Nutrition Services
SC Department of Health & Environmental Control
Columbia Mills Building
301 Gervais St.
Columbia, SC 29201
PH: 803-898-0918
FAX: 803-545-4563
EMAIL: brittaba@dhec.sc.gov
From: Matt Warren <matthewtwarren3@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 3:11:20 PM
To: Brittain, Brooke
Cc: Mary Steppling
Subject: Re: Harvest Hope That would be fine. We can work with what we have.
Matt Warren
Solar Power Provider
Re: Harvest Hope
Brittain, Brooke <BRITTABA@dhec.sc.gov> | Thu, Aug 11, 2016, 2:32 PM | ![]() ![]() | |
to me, Mary![]() |
My supervisor said it is around $150-160 dollars. Will this work if we keep it small and do maybe 3 of the beds?
Brooke A. Brittain, MS, RD, LD, CHES, CLC
SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator
Office of Professional & Community Nutrition Services
SC Department of Health & Environmental Control
Columbia Mills Building
301 Gervais St.
Columbia, SC 29201
PH: 803-898-0918
FAX: 803-545-4563
EMAIL: brittaba@dhec.sc.gov
From: Brittain, Brooke
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 1:45:10 PM
To: Matt Warren
Cc: Mary Steppling
Subject: Re: Harvest Hope
Thanks again Mary for connecting us with Matt!
That is awesome! So glad we are getting to use your hard work I will check with my supervisor about the funding part of it. She is in charge of the budget for the grant.
Different greens, radishes and carrots sound great!
I’m sure my team should be able to handle the round up and killing the grass to help prepare us for getting the beds ready.
I will keep you posted as I get more details from my supervisor.
Thanks so much for your willingness to assist!
Brooke A. Brittain, MS, RD, LD, CHES, CLC
SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator
Office of Professional & Community Nutrition Services
SC Department of Health & Environmental Control
Columbia Mills Building
301 Gervais St.
Columbia, SC 29201
PH: 803-898-0918
FAX: 803-545-4563
EMAIL: brittaba@dhec.sc.gov
Mary Steppling <msteppling3@gmail.com> | Aug 11, 2016, 12:38 PM | ![]() ![]() | |
to me, Brooke![]() |
Thank you Matt, excited that you both connected. Please let me know if I can be of any help.
Mary Steppling
Chair, RCMGA Continuing Education Committee
On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 7:52 AM, Matt Warren <matthewtwarren3@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Brooke,
This sounds fun. I was the project manager that actually installed and planted the raised beds at harvest hope back when I worked at WPRawl. Do you guys have any funding for this? How much do we have to spend on plants and soil amendments?
Fall greens are great. Collard, kale, mustard, turnips, even radish and carrots.
Yes it would be best if someone could roundup the grass in the beds about 2 weeks before we get a crew to clean the beds out and amend the soil.
Then we can have a fun planting day after that.
Matt Warren
Solar Power Provider

Mary Steppling <msteppling3@gmail.com> | Wed, Aug 10, 2016, 8:51 PM | ![]() ![]() | |
to me![]() |
Hi Matt, Just checking to see if you got in touch with Brooke, re planting garden. would love to hear back from you on this.Best,
Mary Steppling
RCMGA, Community Education Chair.
Re: Harvest Hope

Brittain, Brooke <BRITTABA@dhec.sc.gov> | Oct 27, 2016, 1:06 PM | ![]() ![]() | |
to me![]() |
Hey Matt, just wanting to see if you are still interested in assisting us with this project? At this point are we still able to plant some things or would we need to wait until spring?
Brooke A. Brittain, MS, RD, LD, CHES, CLC
SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator
Office of Professional & Community Nutrition Services
SC Department of Health & Environmental Control
Columbia Mills Building
301 Gervais St.
Columbia, SC 29201
PH: 803-898-0918
FAX: 803-545-4563
EMAIL: brittaba@dhec.sc.gov
From: Brittain, Brooke
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 3:54:53 PM
To: Matt Warren
Subject: Fw: Harvest Hope
Hey Matt, our new grant starts Oct 1st so that is when we get our funding to work on this project. When would be a good time to work on this project? Early Oct? I didn’t know when the prime months are for growing the veggies you mentioned previously.
Brooke A. Brittain, MS, RD, LD, CHES, CLC
SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator
Office of Professional & Community Nutrition Services
SC Department of Health & Environmental Control
Columbia Mills Building
301 Gervais St.
Columbia, SC 29201
PH: 803-898-0918
FAX: 803-545-4563
EMAIL: brittaba@dhec.sc.gov
From: Brittain, Brooke
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2016 9:15 AM
To: Matt Warren
Subject: Re: Harvest Hope
Hey Matt, our new grant starts Oct 1st so that is when we get our funding to work on this project. When would be a good time to work on this project? Early Oct? I didn’t know when the prime months are for growing the veggies you mentioned previously.
Brooke A. Brittain, MS, RD, LD, CHES, CLC
SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator
Office of Professional & Community Nutrition Services
SC Department of Health & Environmental Control
Columbia Mills Building
301 Gervais St.
Columbia, SC 29201
PH: 803-898-0918
FAX: 803-545-4563
EMAIL: brittaba@dhec.sc.gov
From: Matt Warren <matthewtwarren3@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 3:11:20 PM
To: Brittain, Brooke
Cc: Mary Steppling
Subject: Re: Harvest Hope That would be fine. We can work with what we have.
Matt WarrenSolar Power Provider
On Aug 11, 2016, at 2:32 PM, Brittain, Brooke <BRITTABA@dhec.sc.gov> wrote:
My supervisor said it is around $150-160 dollars. Will this work if we keep it small and do maybe 3 of the beds?
Brooke A. Brittain, MS, RD, LD, CHES, CLC
SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator
Office of Professional & Community Nutrition Services
SC Department of Health & Environmental Control
Columbia Mills Building
301 Gervais St.
Columbia, SC 29201
PH: 803-898-0918
FAX: 803-545-4563
EMAIL: brittaba@dhec.sc.gov
From: Brittain, Brooke
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 1:45:10 PM
To: Matt Warren
Cc: Mary Steppling
Subject: Re: Harvest Hope
Thanks again Mary for connecting us with Matt!
That is awesome! So glad we are getting to use your hard work <OutlookEmoji-.png> I will check with my supervisor about the funding part of it. She is in charge of the budget for the grant.
Different greens, radishes and carrots sound great!
I’m sure my team should be able to handle the round up and killing the grass to help prepare us for getting the beds ready.
I will keep you posted as I get more details from my supervisor.
Thanks so much for your willingness to assist!
Brooke A. Brittain, MS, RD, LD, CHES, CLC
SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator
Office of Professional & Community Nutrition Services
SC Department of Health & Environmental Control
Columbia Mills Building
301 Gervais St.
Columbia, SC 29201
PH: 803-898-0918
FAX: 803-545-4563
EMAIL: brittaba@dhec.sc.gov
From: Matt Warren <matthewtwarren3@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 7:52:10 AM
To: Brittain, Brooke
Cc: Mary Steppling
Subject: Re: Harvest Hope Hi Brooke,
This sounds fun. I was the project manager that actually installed and planted the raised beds at harvest hope back when I worked at WPRawl. Do you guys have any funding for this? How much do we have to spend on plants and soil amendments?
Fall greens are great. Collard, kale, mustard, turnips, even radish and carrots.
Yes it would be best if someone could roundup the grass in the beds about 2 weeks before we get a crew to clean the beds out and amend the soil.
The. We can have a fun planting day after that.
Matt WarrenSolar Power Provider
On Jul 25, 2016, at 2:49 PM, Brittain, Brooke <BRITTABA@dhec.sc.gov> wrote:
Hey Matt, thanks so much for reaching out! We are definitely still in the planning stages for this. As you probably know Harvest Hope has raised beds outside their facility that are up for grabs at anytime for folks to use. There are 12 and we are thinking about maybe trying to do something with 3 of them. This project would be from scratch since there are weeds/grass in the beds right now. We are hoping that the volunteers and maybe some staff would assist from Harvest Hope. Also, I have reached out to the Perrin Thomas community center that is not far and talked to them about assisting with this. I teach nutrition/cooking classes to the seniors there and they seemed willing to help. We definitely need your assistance as my team knows nothing about gardening. We also need any thoughts you all have on how to do this. Would one big kick off event work where we could get the community and volunteers/staff from HH to help? Or would this be multiple days? The big benefit is that whatever is grown is up for grabs to anyone in the community. My seniors like the sound of that <OutlookEmoji-.png> We are thinking of maybe doing this in the fall. Again we will need your advise on what to plant. Please let me know what questions/comments, etc. you have. This is outside of my expertise but something they are wanting us to do more of according to our grant.
Brooke A. Brittain, MS, RD, LD, CHES, CLC
SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator
Office of Professional & Community Nutrition Services
SC Department of Health & Environmental Control
Columbia Mills Building
301 Gervais St.
Columbia, SC 29201
PH: 803-898-0918
FAX: 803-545-4563
EMAIL: brittaba@dhec.sc.gov
From: Matt Warren <matthewtwarren3@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 9:26:26 PM
To: Brittain, Brooke
Subject: Fwd: Harvest Hope Hi Brooke,
Mary said that you were looking for help at Harvest Hope for a project. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks
Matt WarrenSolar Power Provider
Begin forwarded message:
From: Mary Steppling <msteppling3@gmail.com>
Date: July 21, 2016 at 9:13:08 PM EDT
To: Matt Warren <matthewtwarren3@gmail.com>
Subject:Re: Harvest Hope
Brooke did not say but it sounded like more than that, she said they had several “plots” and they wanted to start small. The idea is to grow food and have volunteers do the work. That is all I know. I manage the presentations but every so often we get a more unusual request like this. I am sure Brooke could answer your questions and there is no obligation if you cannot make it work. She seemed pretty open to any suggestions.Want to speak directly to her?
Brooke A. Brittain, MS, RD, LD, CHES, CLC SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator Office of Professional & Community Nutrition Services
SC Department of Health & Environmental Control Columbia Mills Building
301 Gervais St. Columbia, SC 29201 PH: 803-898-0918 MAIL: brittaba@dhec.sc.gov
Mary StepplingRCMGA, Community Education Chair803-622-0169
On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 9:08 PM, Matt Warren <matthewtwarren3@gmail.com> wrote:
Is this for planting the planter boxes at harvest hope?
Matt Warren
Solar Power Provider
> On Jul 21, 2016, at 9:04 PM, Mary Steppling <msteppling3@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> Sorry to not connect sooner. Phone is hard because I tend to not keep it available and have been pretty busy with family stuff these last weeks. I am excited that you might consider helping Brook Brittain the nutritionist develop something with Harvest Hope. I know they are not in a hurry. I am thinking whenever it is time for fall crops would best, so hot now! Do you want to set up a phone appt or would you rather just talk to Brooke. Again, it is only advising and should take only two visits, the length of time up to you. One visit to see site and leave prep instructions and second to supervise planting. I know they want to “start small” if that helps.
> Look forward to hearing from you!
> Mary Steppling
> RCMGA, Community Education Chair
> 803-622-0169