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Definition of prestige

1: standing or estimation in the eyes of people weight or credit in general opinion2: commanding position in people’s minds

Choose the Right Synonym for prestige

INFLUENCEAUTHORITYPRESTIGEWEIGHTCREDIT mean power exerted over the minds or behavior of others. INFLUENCE may apply to a force exercised and received consciously or unconsciously.  used her influence to get the bill passed  AUTHORITY implies the power of winning devotion or allegiance or of compelling acceptance and belief.  his opinions lacked authority PRESTIGE implies the ascendancy given by conspicuous excellence or reputation for superiority.  the prestige of the newspaper  WEIGHT implies measurable or decisive influence in determining acts or choices.  their wishes obviously carried much weight CREDIT suggests influence that arises from the confidence of others.  his credit with the press 

the respect and admiration that someone or something gets for being successful or important

prestige noun pres·​tige | \ pre-ˈstēzh  \

Kids Definition of prestige

importance or respect gained through success or excellence

I learned on 2/12/21 after hearing someone in a Debtors Anonamous meeting that their who MO in life as a debtors and someone who was vague about money was that he did it for the “prestige.” I wanted to clarify what that word actually means, so I’m making it a “word of the day” for today. I can agree. I had to have the intriguing haircut that I paid $45 dollars every three weeks for so that I could appear to be successful. Everything was to maintain an image that I was making it. Everything! The Range Rover, the solar business, the ‘solar broker’ title….everything was to impress others….but I was lost, lonely and in active addiction on the inside and my world was falling apart.