Project Information Forms


Mark Cann <>AttachmentsAug 29, 2016, 9:50 PM
to me


Lots of discussion lately on project information forms while doing site visits.  There are a couple different ones that we use, all get the same information.  The one that I have attached is a little different format that Elizabeth’s but it combines the SLD request and the Sales Intake Form.  This form can take the place of the other 2 or you can continue to use those, whichever your team wants to use.  The top 2 sections and the description areas are the only parts that development needs to worry about.  This same sheet will be passed on to Project Management as the job matures and they will take sections 3 and 4.

I have attached the forms that I did for Baker & Baker as an example.  As you can tell, all of the information in section 2 is not complete but the essentials are there for the ones I could get info on.  As you know by now the most important parts are Votage, 3-wire/4-wire, Amperage, Meter #, Number of services on building and Transformer size.

I have also attached some sketches which are extremely artistic.  I am a very talented artist.  The point of the sketches is that any piece of info that the design team can have since they typically do not go on site the better for them.  I usually take a google earth print out with me to the site visits but did not have for this particular visit.  Therefore I drew them.

Let me know of any questions and please distribute to the Warren Solar team.

Mark Cann

Business Development

Hannah Solar, LLC

1311 Collier Rd.

Atlanta GA 30318

Office: 404-609-7005

Cell : 864-706-3930
