Respect for Sleep today

Respect for Sleep today

This is consistency today. Today, I value sleep just as much as anything else in my life. Waking up at 4am and trying so hard to get into bed by 8pm, allows me to get to sleep…sound asleep by 9pm.

7 hours of sleep is not idea, but it is far, FAR from where I was when my life was out of balance. Not watching tv at night until 10pm also has saved me over the last year or two. Another tactic that has changed my world is to leave my phone in the kitchen connected to the charger. I don’t lay in bed looking at social media or going through emails.

I set the Bedtime feature on my iphone to wake up at 4am. An alarm goes off around 8pm that tells me it is bedtime. I take 3mg of Melatonin an hour before I want to be asleep. So, around 7pm, even before I eat dinner sometimes, I go ahead and take the ‘sleep vitamin.’ This way, by the time 8 or 8:30pm comes around, when my pillow hits the bed, I can successfully roll over and go to sleep.