Saad & Manos needing Tree Removal First before Solar

Saad & Manos needing Tree Removal First before Solar

RE: Solar for Saad Manos

Sharon Wilson <>Wed, Aug 24, 2016, 3:13 PM
 to me


I discussed the forms with Jerry Monday morning and he has me to remind him
again at the end of the week.

Sharon Wilson
Saad & Manios, LLC
1249 S. Pleasantburg Drive
Greenville, SC  29605
Phone: (864) 277-9600
Fax: (864) 422-9949

—–Original Message—–
From: Matt Warren []
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 3:08 PM
To: Sharon Wilson
Cc: Jerry Saad;
Subject: Solar for Saad Manos

Hi Sharon,

Hope you guys are doing well. I just wanted to kindly follow up on our solar
project for your office. There is a sense of urgency here in order to
reserve our rebate from Duke. If I could help answer any questions, please
let me know.

Thanks so much!

Matt Warren
Solar Power Provider

Saad and Manos


Mark Cann <>Thu, Aug 11, 2016, 11:04 PM
to me

Helio in the works. Are they going to cut the trees down? Without doing that, it’s a bad array. Shade all over the place

Best regards,

Mark Cann
Hannah Solar

RE: Saad and Manios


Sharon Wilson <>Fri, Jul 29, 2016, 11:05 AM
 to me


Just want to confirm you are referring to 1247, 1249, and 1251 S. Pleasantburg Drive?

If so, the entire building is owned by three partners:

1.    Greg Saad

2.    Jerry Saad

3.    Louis Manios

Saad and Manios occupies units 1249 and 1251 and 1247 is leased from the property owners noted above.

Sharon Wilson

Saad & Manios, LLC

1249 S. Pleasantburg Drive

Greenville, SC  29605

Phone: (864) 277-9600

Fax: (864) 422-9949


From: Matt Warren []
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2016 9:28 AM
To: Sharon Wilson
Subject: Fwd: Saad and Manios

Hi Sharon,

Good morning and Happy Friday. Would you please help me here? I’m trying to figure out if Saad and Manios own the entire group of buildings that are connected here. Looks like there is an office touching either side of the building that where we met you and due to some shading from the trees on the south eastern side, we might need to use that space if possible.

Thanks so much for your help!


Saad and Manios


Mark Cann <>AttachmentsFri, Jul 29, 2016, 9:00 AM
to me

We need to confirm which building.  I will try to ride by next week to check height of trees to south. Could be shading.




Mark Cann <>AttachmentsAug 12, 2016, 9:28 AM
to me

Just got it. Price at $2.45 site unseen