Snapshot from being Grateful for where I am in Sobriety

6/23/19 – Activities with Maddie that wouldn’t have happened if not for being sober:

  • Took nap together yesterday on the couch- her in my left arm
  • Fell asleep on the couch together watching Ms Doubtfire
  • Sat in water puddle in north-end of Pawleys, just talking and laughing together
  • Watching her win the price at surfcamp
  • Getting icecream cone Friday afternoon and Saturday too – Daddy buy
  • Jump in the waves and get her to jump off my knees
  • Answer her question about wanting to eat healthy- “does this have sugar?”
  • Make big smoothies together and have fun preparing the ingredients
  • Carry her on the walk back from the northend
  • Take her out in the waves to poop when potty was not an option
  • Play with clay and make pots by hand at the table
  • Write and make card for Meagan’s birthday
  • Start her showers with her because she asks for me when its time to get cleaned up
  • Put cream on her bumps and back and belly from the sea lice in the ocean