Sort Client List by Name, not Company

During this these last few weeks and working from home, my job has been reaching out to each and every client of ours via the old school method of picking up the phone. My boss said to “Call each one of them.” No problem. What a challenge though. Our client database has thousands of clients in it….where to start and what to say? How about, “Thank you for your business.”

Starting with the database in excel format, I learned a little trick that will help anyone tasked with this kind of project. At first, I sorted our clients by company, but most times we have dozens of people at one location. What happened was that I found myself trying to figure out which person or people should I call in that company instead of calling each of them.

I then tried a different tactic. I sorted the clients by first name, instead of company. This helped a ton and made me take each one of them as they are….an independent client or prospect. It allowed me to do a quick internet search of their name and the company that we have them listed under.

Many of the clients have had job promotions, changed jobs or retired. This is my time to update the contact in our CRM, snip their LinkedIn profile and attach it to their contact and then try calling them. I love this method of calling them and just for fun I changed it up even more. I started form the bottom up.

I’m a visual person and color coding things make it more of a game for me. I mark the row in Excel in a light blue color if I left a voicemail for them. If I get them on the phone and talk to them at all, then I color the row Green. Green is for MONEY. I always use Green if I connect with someone. Staying top of mind with these clients and have golden conversations now during this quarintine will pay big dividends in the near future when the markets are back to full speed.

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