Before the monthly trim. See how it is headed toward the window and the white paint!After trimming with scissors, see how you can see the first brick line around the entire window? This is the optimal way to prune fig vine. Find the first brick line and expose that mortar line. This is a closer up view from the ladder before I started trimming. Its going nuts! The view afterwards. It looks sharp when you can see the first brick line. Also, I left two full bricks exposed on the top row. It is too skinny to try and let it grow over that window, so I stop there on purpose. The fig vine will eventually cover this white, ugly gutter pipe that someone used to put all of the electrical wires inside of for the HVAC unit. You can see that I trimmed along the left window back one brick line and stopped it at the top. This will train it to fill in below.See here how the first brick line is exposed around the windows.