Warren Swimming for Scholarship

Warren Swimming for Scholarship

The State paper did a write up about the big State Championship at USC. it was a little embarrassing when it came out because they called me out about shaving my body hair. It was a recommendation from my coach, saying that my competitors were going to be shaving to save time.

Dutch Fork High School was very early on in having a swim team and Coach Burkett stepped up to the plate. In the off season, mom would take me to Harbison to practice for Swim Columbia. It was a morning practice and it was touch. I can still smell the chlorine in my nostrils as I would walk into the pool area.

I was in the best shape of my life though. I was nominated as the Dutch Fork High School Team Captain. Al Gates putting me right sized when I misspelled Captain by putting down Captian on a piece of paper. The whole class laughed and he called me Captain for the rest of my days in High School