Working Top Line Behaviors on Vacation with Family

Working Top Line Behaviors on Vacation with Family

Word of caution to people going on vacations with family members or friends who do not have a program of any kind. By working a program with my top lines mentioned in a previous blog (, you become a mirror real quick to those who are drinking every day, eating meal after meal of unhealthy, nutrient deficient food and consuming tons of media both social and the news.

They can see their life. Don’t be surprised if you are not the most loved one in the group. How can someone love another person even if they are family if they are not in love with their current self? When they see someone who is happy, joyous and free from various chains that used to hold them down, they can easily get jealous and want what you have….but are they willing to do the work? They might want to be in shape, have a conscious contact with a Higher Power, not drink consecutively, not have to fill the void of silence with the junk on the news, but are they willing to work on themselves?

However, the positive piece from the trip was that the relationship with my daughter improved so much over the course of this past week. She was clinging by my side the entire time. I was listed in her favorite people as number one.

We talked about so many things together as she asked me questions and I was able to be present, listen to her and share from my experiences. It’s this weird mix of not worrying anymore of fitting in with the other drinkers in order to be present and clear headed for the things that matter today.

Early morning routines of getting up early, praying, meditating and reading are harder with family vacations. They want to stay up later, eat dinner super late and “splurge” on meals.
Serenity was found by sticking to my top line behaviors and pushing through the criticism and back handed comments by those without a program of any kind. God is in the number, the walks, the prayer, the meditation, the healthy meals and the joy of recovery.
I found this little spot on my third day of walking and exploring around the condo. It was a residential private beach front area with four chairs set up and I watched the sunrise as I chatted and got current with my accountability partner Wednesday morning.
Playing in the pool together, Maddie and I would race from end to end. We enjoyed the same strawberry and banana smoothie. Then she ventured into mixing it up by adding Mango! Such a water baby!
We had so much time snorkeling in the coral and looking for big lobsters in the clear waters. She saw a nurse shark and thousands of schools of colorful fish under the tower at the reef. I’m so glad I eat healthy, enjoy working out and am not hungover to enjoy helping her in the water and being able to take care of her and not be super out of breathe and out of shape.
Maddie and I waited in the car for Mom and Debbie to grab more groceries. We had such a fun time playing with her new stuffed turtle!