Encouraging all building owners to improve indoor ventilation

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NEWS FLASH: The latest from the The White House COVID-19 Team is a strategy to help manage the majority of COVID-19 cases in the US by “encouraging all building owners to improve indoor ventilation.”

There has been lots of talk over the last 2-3 years regarding airflow within buildings. In a commercial system, it is helpful to think of four main applications for air flow measurement.

At Total Comfort Solutions, we partners with clients and can help them analyze solutions for their building’s performance in terms of:
1) system airflow
2) supply airflow
3) return airflow
4) mechanical ventilation

There are two bonus airflows that could also be measured.  The “shell/enclosure airflow leakage” or “duct leakage” test. These may or may not be applicable depending on the size of the building, the scope of the problem area, and what we are trying to determine or accomplish.