Warren Solar Logo Design Brainstorming

Warren Solar Logo Design Brainstorming

Re: Logo

Shana Bertetto <shana.bertetto@gmail.com>AttachmentsThu, Jul 7, 2016, 1:12 AM
to me, Meagan

Hi Matt,
Here are some variations of the logo you liked. Let me know your thoughts!
Thanks,Shana 🙂
On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 6:54 PM, Shana Bertetto <shana.bertetto@gmail.com> wrote:
Sure Matt! I will work on some variations of that logo and send them to you in these coming days.
Thanks,Shana 🙂
On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 5:58 PM, Matt Warren <matthewtwarren3@gmail.com> wrote:

Middle row, the bottom one is the one we are leaning toward. Would there be a few variation of that one that we could see? Maybe with the blue and orange like in the bottom right one. Thanks

Matt Warren
Solar Power Provider

Logo Ideas, Site Diagram Example, Prices


Shana Bertetto <shana.bertetto@gmail.com>AttachmentsTue, Jul 5, 2016, 3:36 PM
to me

Hi Matt,

I hope you guys had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! 
I am attaching some items for us to get started with your website:
1.) A .pdf (and .jpg) of some logo ideas– this can be a starting point for us…I tried to include a variety of designs/styles so that you can make some decisions about what you like and don’t like. Let me know your thoughts about colors, fonts, imagery, etc. Critiquing this first round of logos will help us move in the right direction for round 2.

2.) An example Site Diagram– This simple outline will help us organize your site, and also give us an idea of the site’s complexity and desired functionality. (Functionality refers to non-static items, such as a contact form, calendar, slideshow, photo gallery, etc. Please think about which of these items you will want to use in your website.) While final content will not be needed for a while, a solid outline is important when I begin to develop and lay out the website. Feel free to revise this attached example, or create your own.

Last item is prices: The price of your site will of course depend on its complexity, which we will be determining with your Site Diagram, and while we develop the site. I am super super affordable in comparison to other web designers, so rest assured, my prices will not be a shock, ha ha.
While it will be hard for us to determine the exact price right now, here are some guidelines:

–A super simple site, with no page modules, few links, around 5 static pages, homepage slideshow, contact form (Meagan’s site is a great example) would cost around $1200.

–A more modern and complex site, with linking modules on each page, animating modules, side bars, homepage slideshow, possible photo gallery, contact form, 10+ pages, would cost around $3500. An example of such a site is: www.pucaraspanishschool.ec (I am currently still completing this site, but you can see its size and use of elements).

From the websites you sent me, and the industry you are in, I think that you are going to need something in the middle. I think you are going to want a very modern site, with some subtle animating modules, perhaps a homepage slideshow with large attractive photos of solar installations, and many linking modules to make navigating through all the content easy and enjoyable for the user. I am guessing that your site will be somewhere around $2000-$2300.

All this being said, I do not know the details of your budget and I am happy to work within your limit! If you prefer something super simple, for budget reasons, I am happy to accommodate.

In addition to the website, I will work with you to create a branding style and logo that accurately, and attractively, represent your company. I charge just $350 for this logo development and branding (this includes a business card design), and I promise to work with you until you are happy with the result!

Ok Matt, I know this is a lot of information, so please take your time in digesting it all. I am here and ready to answer your questions and continue with the process whenever you are. 

I am a huge supporter of solar energy and I look forward to this project!

Shana 🙂

Re: Logo


Shana Bertetto <shana.bertetto@gmail.com>AttachmentsJul 12, 2016, 2:49 PM
to me

Hi Matt,
Here is that change. Let me know your thoughts!The color of “Warren” in this design is a dark hunter green.Would you like me to show you some variations with other colors? Just let me know which colors you think you might like (i.e. dark colors, light colors, warm colors, cool colors, blues, etc.)

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 7:22 AM, Matt Warren <matthewtwarren3@gmail.com> wrote:

Switch the Suns and use the logo in the far left top corner please. What colors are in that logo. Lime green and….sorry, a little color blind here.

Matt Warren
Solar Power Provider