Rockstars vs Superstars

Rockstars- Top performer- dreams of keeping their job that they do so well and doing it for multiple years; typically a rockstar, has rock-solid knowledge and expertise but still happy where they currently are working;

Superstars- people who are super smart and just got a job but already started looking for more in the first year. Push themselves to the limits of learning and experimentation to discover the next step; function in growth and try to get a better job inside or outside current company. Very likely to discover optimization and creative ideas.

Superstars are great for gaining new ground in business while Rockstars are much better becoming the expert and going deeper

  1. Startup — In an ever-changing business environment, your rockstar teammates will have serious problems with so-called ‘job safety’ and ‘lack of time for becoming the expert in some business aspects due to high pace’
    ⚖️ Rockstars 2:6 Superstars
  2. Turnaround — While trying to turn your whole business or a specific function, you are going to need tons of domain expertise. So you need to go deeper.
    ⚖️ Rockstars 6:2 Superstars
  3. Accelerated Growth — The title explains your need to grow fast. Assuming you’re going to over-invest to gain market share. Here you need a full balance.
    ⚖️ Rockstars 4:4 Superstars
  4. Realignment — This usually happens after a steep growth period or acquisition. Ok, you grew fast, broke the system multiple times to grow but let’s get aligned with a bigger plan. Your need for going deep and provide stability is higher than ever now.
    ⚖️ Rockstars 7:1 Superstars
  5. Sustained Success — Let’s say you have a support team and all you need is keeping your NPS over 98%, you don’t need to gain more ground all you need is gaining depth, meaning Rockstars.⚖ Rockstars 8:0 Superstars

Superstars are the ones we traditionally describe as ambitious. They’re the climb-the-corporate-ladder, never-stop-growing-and-aiming-higher, promotions-define-my-success types. They want growth. On the other hand, rockstars want to stay where they are.,to%20stay%20where%20they%20are.

  • Superstars are the ones we traditionally describe as ambitious. They’re the climb-the-corporate-ladder, never-stop-growing-and-aiming-higher, promotions-define-my-success types. They want growth.
  • On the other hand, rockstars want to stay where they are. They might have things in their life more important than work (a new child, an ailing parent), they might want to focus on just learning their role for a while, or they’re just damn good at what they’re doing and they know it. Rock stars want stability.

“Rock stars are solid as a rock. Think the Rock of Gibraltar, not Bruce Springsteen. The rock stars love their work. They have found their groove. They don’t want the next job if it will take them away from their craft. Not all artists want to own a gallery; in fact, most don’t. If you honor and reward the rock stars, they’ll become the people you most rely on. If you promote them into roles they don’t want or aren’t suited for, however, you’ll lose them — or, even worse, wind up firing them.

Superstars, on the other hand, need to be challenged and given new opportunities to grow constantly.”