Actions toward Business Development

“We will now share a task we envision taking this week towards our own business development popcorn style”

In a recent DA meeting, I quickly jotted down the line above when I heard it. “Ah HA! That is perfect!” I said to myself.

What you should know is that I have been campaigning hard on this idea. I am working behind the scenes to get management buy in on a simple concept that I believe will drastically move the billers forward. I envision everyone in the meeting who is a biller to go around and share with the team just two actions that they envision doing this week towards their own business development.

I don’t believe this is too grandiose of an idea for these professionals and I firmly believe that we can make this happen. I’m trying to anticipate pushback, but really should just start this on Monday. I actually think it will be fun. It reminds me of how we used to say “Roses and Thorns” in our fraternity meetings. Roses were things that you want to say thank you for or compliments. Thorns were what you would say to badger or call someone out for something.

You might hear “Hey, I’d like to give a thorn to Bobby for parking in my parking spot.” or “I’d like to give a rose to Jimmy for finding the new cook.” or maybe even “A bushel of roses for Scott for hooking me up with Sarah!”

I can see us have a good time giving task or plans toward Business Development. People will build off other people. Kind of like, if I see others are writing blogs when they are slow, I’ll write one too. Or, if I see others making client calls to past clients….maybe I can pick up the phone too.

Maybe I’m just wishful thinking… like I was when I thought it was a no-brainer to be able for the company to accept credit cards. That project has taken much longer to implement and has stalled out currently. I’m not sure what a few people in the company are thinking. Their excuses don’t make sense.