Best Marketing Day Ever Today

Best Marketing Day Ever Today

Today, George Sanford and I spent all day calling on clients. We had back to back meetings. Each meeting was set up to be 30 minutes. We were on time to each of the meetings. There was not one meeting where we showed up late…not one! This is unusual for me.

The day started off on the right foot with a 6am Body Pump. I woke up at 4:45am, did my prayer, meditation, crunches, pushups and readings for an hour. I was on time for the gym class. I came home, got ready and was at work at 8:15am. We were out the door at 8:45am, after I did my gratitude list and my numbers and printed off blogs to hand out during our meetings.

Each meeting was efficient, effective and we didn’t “rush, nor did we linger.” They were perfect. Spot on.

I believe that COVID 19 is over and people are over eager to meet and see vendors. We were welcomed with open arms. NO one was required to wear a mask and everyone shook hands like old times. It was such a great feeling.

This was the email that got so many hits! It was incredible. Will use this again.

Two day view