How Helpful are Checklist in Recovery

How Helpful are Checklist in Recovery

Here’s this week’s Path to Warren Virtual Newsletter

What’s On My Mind?

I’m a checklist-kind-of-guy. I have found recently that having a checklist for my day is very helpful. My good friend, JB,  and I, who are “action partners” in DA came up with a little inside phrase that we refer to as “Bookend 0’s”.  You might already know this, but a “Bookend” is what people will say before and after a finished project, task or an action item.

A few examples of bookends that I’ve used recently:

“I just wanted to bookend that I’m going to get caught up on my numbers this morning.”  

“I’d like to bookend with you that I’m going to do 15 mins on my taxes today.”

“I’m going to bookend to the group that I will ask off on Friday and spend time with my family.”

These bookends are normally shared with another person, action partner or a group before getting started. They normally come with a set timetable…like “today, tomorrow, or right now” and then when I finish the task or action item, I will text that person or report back to the group that the bookend is completed and done.

We came up with the concept of “Bookend O” because my action partner and I noticed that every day we were bookending the same things…every single day. These became a group of items that we now consider to be Bookend 0’s. 

Our original daily practice was that my action partner would text me a gratitude list of 10 items and at the bottom of the list, he would put on the text at least two or three items that he needed to do. I would do the exact same kind of text back to him.

That text would look like this:

Gratitude List:

1)      I am grateful for…

2)      I am grateful for…

3)      I am grateful for…

4)      I am grateful for…

5)      I am grateful for…

6)      I am grateful for…

7)      I am grateful for…

8)      I am grateful for…

9)      I am grateful for…

10)   I am grateful for…


1)      Call accountant about tax question this morning

2)      Take car in for maintenance at lunch

3)      Invoice 2 clients today

As my action partner and I would complete a bookend, we would text each other and simply say with a checkmark afterwards something like: “Bookend 2 done”. There was an immediate sense of accomplishment from being able to report to someone that I completed a task. 

Two years ago, we would do bookends for the most basic task of record keeping like “update spending journal” or “put yesterday’s expenses and income into my spending plan.” Those most basic items became things that we both stopped putting on our text to each other because we realized we should be doing them daily anyway. We referred to them as “Bookend 0’s”.

I would encourage anyone to find an action partner that you can trust. Someone who is willing to call you out when they haven’t heard from you in a while. Someone who will text you when that Bookend item stays “open” for too long and never gets done. Look for someone who needs to turn in actions to someone else too. 

The daily practice that my action partner and I created early on in our recovery made texting and sharing a Gratitude and Bookend List easy and fun. We got to know each other in a much deeper way.  I could knock out writing the text anywhere because I could do it from my phone. Also, I could refer to my Bookend list halfway through the day and be reminded of something that was important to knock out and jump on it.

A few Bookend 0’s might include: Update Spending Journal, Update Spending Plan, Update Time Tracking,

Checklists have helped me tremendously. There is a simple reminder checklist in my journal each day to help me remember what items are important. What are those items that need to be completed every day? Would a checklist be helpful? This is a snapshot from my journal today.


I try to use “gamification” with these daily items and use codes like

BP= Blog Post, I try and post one a day on

PC=Podcast, I try to record a podcast everyday on the Path To Warren Podcast

Abs= Ab workout, I try to do 10 mins each morning of crunches. That’s grown over time

PU= Pushups, I try to do 70 push ups each morning after Abs. That’s grown over time

GPAs= Gratitude’s, Prayers, Affirmations List, I try to write 10 things I’m grateful, 3 affirmations, & 3 things I pray for

FNFI= Fears, Needs, Feelings, Ideas, I try to write 3 fears, 3 needs, 3 feelings and 3 ideas that I’m having that day

10th= 10th step, I try to write down 3 “good” things that I did in the last 24 hrs. and 3 “bad” things

TT= Time Tracking, I try and think back over the last 24 hours and jot down roughly how my time was divided

SJ= Spending Journal, I write down on the top right-hand page of my Moleskin Journal what I made and spent yesterday

SP= Spending Plan, I update my Daily Spending Plan spreadsheet and put in what was on my online bank statement

NW= Net worth, I use my personal financial statement to update the account totals and it generates a net worth number, I jot that down on the top right-hand page of my journal. Then I put in on my Net worth Overtime spreadsheet tab to chart the net worth as it slowly grows over time. I have made a little game out of watching that net worth number grow.

CC= Calendar Check, I check my Outlook Calendar to make sure I know what is scheduled on my calendar for that day. I started doing this each morning after I missed an important meeting one day.

LI= LinkedIn, I try to post, like or comment on LinkedIn related to my industry so that I can continue to network at work

PE= Pilot’s Exam, I’m studying to get my private pilot’s license. If I get time to study 15 mins for it, I will check this off

2RC= Two Recovery Calls, I try to reach out to two people in recovery to check in and stay connected with people

2×2= Two by Two website, I’m designing a website for someone as a B job and if I spend 15 mins on the project, I’ll check it off. It helps me remember to work a little bit each day on it.

2BC= Two Business Calls, I try to reach out to two clients or potential clients each day and if I get it done, I’ll check it off

To be honest and transparent, all these items don’t get done every day, however sometimes it is actually possible. These are all topline behaviors for me and if I’m ever curious about what to do next during the day, I can look down at my list of initials and see if I’m interested in doing one of them at that time. 

I hope you find this helpful and customizable. Maybe challenge yourself to create a daily checklist of Bookend 0’s that need to get done each day. I don’t beat myself up if I don’t get to all these each day. It does feel good to check them off in my journal or to Bookend with my action partner as I complete them.

Have a wonderful day and as my momma always says, “Make your contribution!”

Matt Warren