Move in day

Today, I am so excited to be able to go back to work in the office. It has been something like 10 weeks since we were all told to work from home. There have been so many wonderful things that have happened since I started working from home that I thought I should share and log them while they are fresh.

The first would be that I overcame my fear of my mother-in-law cutting my hair. Two weekends ago when we were at the beach with them, I sat down on the chair in the hallway as she attempted to give it a go. I am very grateful for how well of a job she did cutting my hair. I had formed curls along the backside of my head and the sides were hanging over my ears. It turned out so well that I think it will ultimately turn out to be better than it was. We can go over to their house about once a month, cut hair, get a good dinner and spend time with Meagan’s parents. What is wrong with that? There was a lot of growing up in this department considering how I drastically went from paying $45 per haircut when Van was cutting it, to then taking a major leap of faith and getting haircuts at Cost Cutters for $15 a haircut. Now, the free mother-in-law haircut will do.

I learned how to walk through fear and start posting on Tiktok. I learned how to post videos on our YouTube channel at work, even edit them. I completed the “Manager Left Behind Project.” more on this later. I was able to really work alot on our MindManager Maps of each of our target cities, focusing on the people to go see when the time is appropriate.

We are working full steam ahead on an eBook idea for Warren. Even an expert guide book from our collision reconstructionist. Having Carlin being able to produce projects efficiently on InDesign has become a major asset for us.

We have become really comfortable of the idea of folks working remotely. If this would have not happened, we would have not been able to grow by hiring other people throughout the country and expanding our expert network.

I have made massive efforts in my recovery efforts, completing about 30 of my 65 amends by writing a letter a day. This has been wonderful.

My morning routine has increased to two hours of Prayer, Meditation, and Reading. From 4am to 6am, this time is spend learning and growing and I couldn’t be happier with what is happening there.

My confidence has grown and my love for my family and wife inparticular has increased. We have grown much closer and are comfortable with ourselves in our beautiful home.

Cutting out two hours of drive time over the last two months has allowed for me to start a Spanish tutoring lesson on a regular basis as well as play on the piano with YouTube videos.

I have become so much more familure with WordPress as I have created this website by myself and am so much more comfortable with our company webpage.

I was able to create a photo book of our Whole30 challenge to document our journey and all that has improved for us because we started eating healthy.

I have been able to study for my Private Pilot’s License and am excited about this new hobby.

So many great things have happened as a result of Covid19. Thank you God. I am grateful.